Acorn Maze
- A python game that comes with an auto solverIn Acorn Game, the player must guide an acorn through various mazes and obstacles to reach a finish point. The project is a small, text based game run in the command line, which allows play on various game boards parsed in from text files, as well as a solver algorithm that can perform a breadth-first or depth-first search on a given board. Acorn Game challenges the player through obstacles of walls, fire, and teleporters, whilst also testing their problem solving skills via tracking the amount of steps they took to reach the goal.
What went well - Gameplay, the modified BFS solver which still worked on mazes specifically designed to
cause it trouble, testing procedures.
What could be improved - The solvers used were DFS and a modified BFS (due to assessment scope). A better
algorithm such as A* could be implemented to avoid the shortcomings of BFS and DFS
My contributions
Acorn Maze was a solo project, but the idea came from a university assessment.
Game - playablePaser - performs checks to ensure maze is compatible
Solver - functional and bug-free
Robust testing procedures - will catch unexpected behviours of any new implementations